
Here are some projects that have helped me immensely throughout my career. Some of them are DIY and self-projects from my personal GitHub. Links are attached in titles.

Microsoft SET Campaigns | DigitalMarketing

  • Content management for promotional campaigns on MSN.
  • Powered London 2012 Summer Olympics campaigns.
  • .Net | XHTML | InfoPath

TeraData Multi Cloud Site Provisioning | MultiCloud

  • Provision large DB sites on multi-cloud platforms using serverless tools and automation.
  • AWS-AZ-GCP | Ansible | Terraform | Serverless

PI + NFS Media Server | Productivity | Blog

  • Deployed nfs-server + USB to view movies across devices on home network.
  • Raspberry Pi | Ubuntu

EllieMae Consumer Connect | Mortgage

  • Modernised web app to digitize mortgage requirements for consumers.
  • Consumer borrower portal and Admin portal.
  • React | Redux | NodeJS

Medsolis Patient Dashboard | HealthCare

  • Created medical dashboard to manage patient related vital stats by doctors.
  • D3JS | NodeJS | Bootstrap | Smart-Devices

PI + PI-Hole Ad-Blocker | Productivity | Blog

  • Setup pihole adblock on Pi and configure devices on home network to go through it to block ads.
  • Raspberry | Pi | Pi-Hole | Ubuntu

NoodleTools Student App | Education

  • Modernised web-app, mobile-app for school students.
  • Interactive charts - Fishieye, Todo,
  • BackboneJS | UnderscoreJS | Python

BnO Speaker Update Interface | HighEndElectronics

  • Created settings page hosted on device to manage device settings, updates via Airplay.
  • Javascript | HTML | CSS

CK-12 Education Tools | Education

  • Created accessibility features for site to be used by students and teachers.
  • Annotators, Quick Notes
  • JavaScript | jQuery | X-Path

QuinStreet Media Platform | MediaMarketing

  • Created portal to view, analyse and manage digital marketing data.
  • Easy portal to manage leads, clicks, rates, for user personas.
  • DurandalJS-KnockoutJS | Java | Tableau

UUID Mapper (VS Code Extension) | Productivity | Blog

  • Dev team used templates that used UUID to map to field-names.
  • Created UUID mapper to make development easier for team.
  • VS-Code-Extension | JavaScript

A-Wordle-A-Day | Productivity | Blog

  • Quick hack to have the daily wordle sent to my phone. My own little cheat-code.
  • Python | AWS Lambda | Slack | Web-Scraper

Smart Contact-Me Form | Productivity | Blog

  • Get notification on Slack and send an automated response when someone reaches out to you.
  • Azure Durable Functions | Python | Automation